333 research outputs found

    Role of the Fractalkine Receptor in CNS Autoimmune Inflammation: New Approach Utilizing a Mouse Model Expressing the Human CX3CR1

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS), an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) is the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological disability in young adults. Immune mediated destruction of myelin and oligodendrocytes is considered the primary pathology of MS, but progressive axonal loss is the major cause of neurological disability. In an effort to understand microglia function during CNS inflammation, our laboratory focuses on the fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling as a regulator of microglia neurotoxicity in various models of neurodegeneration. Fractalkine (FKN) is a transmembrane chemokine expressed in the CNS by neurons and signals through its unique receptor CX3CR1 present in microglia. During experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), CX3CR1 deficiency confers exacerbated disease defined by severe inflammation and neuronal loss. The CX3CR1 human polymorphism I249/M280 present in ∼20% of the population exhibits reduced adhesion for FKN conferring defective signaling whose role in microglia function and influence on neurons during MS remains unsolved. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of weaker signaling through hCX3CR1I249/M280 during EAE. We hypothesize that dysregulated microglial responses due to impaired CX3CR1 signaling enhance neuronal/axonal damage. We generated an animal model replacing the mouse CX3CR1 locus for the hCX3CR1I249/M280 variant. Upon EAE induction, these mice exhibited exacerbated EAE correlating with severe inflammation and neuronal loss. We also observed that mice with aberrant CX3CR1 signaling are unable to produce FKN and ciliary neurotrophic factor during EAE in contrast to wild type mice. Our results provide validation of defective function of the hCX3CR1I249/M280 variant and the foundation to broaden the understanding of microglia dysfunction during neuroinflammation. © 2018 Cardona et al

    ¿Contribuyen los talleres en el Museo de Ciencias a fomentar actitudes hacia la conservación del ambiente?

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    Esta investigación se centró en evaluar el impacto de seis talleres sobre la adopción de actitudes deseables respecto a la conservación del ambiente y la sostenibilidad, por parte de distintos públicos visitantes de un Museo Interactivo. La metodología incluyó: a) el diseño de escalas con cuatro opciones de respuesta que se aplicaron antes y después del taller b) entrevistas telefónicas o visita a instituciones educativas, dos meses después de la visita al Museo. El análisis cuantitativo mostró que las actitudes de los participantes mejoraron en todos los talleres aunque no siempre fue estadísticamente significativo. El análisis cualitativo reveló que los participantes mostraron actitudes de compromiso y cuidado hacia el ambiente. Algunas estuvieron asociadas a los talleres y otras a actitudes desarrolladas con anterioridad al taller.This research focused on assessing the impact of six workshops on the adoption of desirable attitudes about environmental conservation and sustainability, of different group visitors of an interactive museum. The methodology included: a) the design of four-option scales that were applied before and after the workshop b) either telephone interviews or visits to schools, two months after the visit to the museum. The quantitative analysis showed that the attitudes of the participants improved in all the workshops but not all of them were statistically significant. The qualitative analysis revealed that participants demonstrated attitudes of commitment and care towards the environment. Some of these attitudes were associated with the workshops and other associated with attitudes developed prior to the workshop

    The Role of Microglia in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    There is growing evidence that chronic inflammation plays a role in both the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy. There is also evidence that molecules produced as a result of hyperglycemia can activate microglia. However the exact contribution of microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, to retinal tissue damage during diabetes remains unclear. Current data suggest that dysregulated microglial responses are linked to their deleterious effects in several neurological diseases associated with chronic inflammation. As inflammatory cytokines and hyperglycemia disseminate through the diabetic retina, microglia can change to an activated state, increase in number, translocate through the retina, and themselves become the producers of inflammatory and apoptotic molecules or alternatively exert anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, microglial genetic variations may account for some of the individual differences commonly seen in patient’s susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy

    El bullying, fenómeno social agresivo en los estudiantes de la escuela normal superior de Villavicencio grado octavo tres

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    EncuestasEl bullying es un fenómeno social agresivo que afecta de manera directa a todos los ambientes escolares, sin excluir clase social, raza, edad, genero, físico y cultura; por tal razón es importante empezar a investigar sobre el grave problema que puede constituir este fenómeno de la violencia escolar, en esta propuesta de investigación se propone una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, debido a la realización de dos instrumentos que complementaran la exposición de la realidad social, brindando la posibilidad de incursionar en la comprensión y punto de vista de la violencia escolar; El compromiso que se tiene para esta propuesta de investigación es la comprensión de las causas y consecuencias que originan este comportamiento, y que no solo se desencadenan en la victima sino también en el espectador y el agresor; Por consiguiente se aborda la teoría del desarrollo moral, y se construye un comparativo de la realidad de los alumnos del grado 8 – 3 de la escuela normal superior de Villavicencio de la jornada mañana, con el propósito de que esta propuesta proporcione en un futuro no muy lejano la posibilidad de ser desarrollado en su totalidad, para que con ello la población académica tenga una herramienta que genere cambio y a si una mejor convivencia y desarrollo de los estudiantes.Is a aggressive social phenomenon directly affects all school environments, without excluding social class, race, age, gender, physical and culture, for this reason it is important to begin to investigate the serious proposal proposes a qualitative and quantitative methodology due to completion of two instruments to complement the exhibition of social reality, offering the possibility of entering the understanding and perspective of school violence. The commitment we have to those research proposals is to understand the causes and consequences of these behaviors originate, and are triggered not only the victims but also the view and the aggressor. Therefore addresses the moral and development theory, and construes a really of comparative graders 8 – 3 of the school normal superior of Villavicencio of the day tomorrow, with the intention that this proposal does not provide in the future for away the chance to be fully developed, so that the academic population have a tool that generates change and, if a better coexistence and development of students

    The role of microglia in diabetic retinopathy

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    There is growing evidence that chronic inflammation plays a role in both the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy. There is also evidence that molecules produced as a result of hyperglycemia can activate microglia. However the exact contribution of microglia, the resident immune cells of the central nervous system, to retinal tissue damage during diabetes remains unclear. Current data suggest that dysregulated microglial responses are linked to their deleterious effects in several neurological diseases associated with chronic inflammation. As inflammatory cytokines and hyperglycemia disseminate through the diabetic retina, microglia can change to an activated state, increase in number, translocate through the retina, and themselves become the producers of inflammatory and apoptotic molecules or alternatively exert anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, microglial genetic variations may account for some of the individual differences commonly seen in patient's susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy

    Role of the Fractalkine Receptor in CNS Autoimmune Inflammation: New Approach Utilizing a Mouse Model Expressing the Human CX3CR1I249/M280 Variant

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS), an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS) is the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological disability in young adults. Immune mediated destruction of myelin and oligodendrocytes is considered the primary pathology of MS, but progressive axonal loss is the major cause of neurological disability. In an effort to understand microglia function during CNS inflammation, our laboratory focuses on the fractalkine/CX3CR1 signaling as a regulator of microglia neurotoxicity in various models of neurodegeneration. Fractalkine (FKN) is a transmembrane chemokine expressed in the CNS by neurons and signals through its unique receptor CX3CR1 present in microglia. During experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), CX3CR1 deficiency confers exacerbated disease defined by severe inflammation and neuronal loss. The CX3CR1 human polymorphism I249/M280 present in ∼20% of the population exhibits reduced adhesion for FKN conferring defective signaling whose role in microglia function and influence on neurons during MS remains unsolved. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of weaker signaling through hCX3CR1I249/M280 during EAE. We hypothesize that dysregulated microglial responses due to impaired CX3CR1 signaling enhance neuronal/axonal damage. We generated an animal model replacing the mouse CX3CR1 locus for the hCX3CR1I249/M280 variant. Upon EAE induction, these mice exhibited exacerbated EAE correlating with severe inflammation and neuronal loss. We also observed that mice with aberrant CX3CR1 signaling are unable to produce FKN and ciliary neurotrophic factor during EAE in contrast to wild type mice. Our results provide validation of defective function of the hCX3CR1I249/M280 variant and the foundation to broaden the understanding of microglia dysfunction during neuroinflammation

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el departamento del cesar

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    El siguiente trabajo académico corresponde a la fase cuatro del diplomado de profundización Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, ofrecido por la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD) como opción de grado a sus estudiantes de psicología, en este se pretende el reconocimiento de herramientas como métodos de abordaje, específicamente la imagen y la narrativa el cual permite el acercamiento a los contextos que se pretenden reconocer y estudiar. El documento permitirá conocer cada una de las historias identificadas durante la realización del diplomado, mismas que han estado entrelazadas por hechos dolorosos y situaciones que impactaron negativamente en la vida de quienes padecieron el conflicto armado en el departamento del Cesar, pero además enmarca la forma de resiliencia y empoderamiento que estos han adquirido con el único fin de resignificar su vida , la de sus familias, olvidar el pasado y construir a través de la verdad momentos de perdón y reconciliación; Considerando que la esencia del diplomado anteriormente mencionado se basa en la apropiación de constructos y referentes, tanto conceptuales como metodológicos, como lo es por ejemplo el enfoque narrativo, se debe reconocer a este como fuente esencial para la creación de recursos y estrategias que le permitirán a las comunidades desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento y como fin para la superación de los hechos traumáticos ocasionados por la violencia originada por el conflicto armado en el territorio Colombiano.The following academic work corresponds to phase four of the in-depth diploma course Psychosocial Support in Scenarios of Violence, offered by the National Open and Distance University (UNAD) as a degree option to its psychology students, this aims to recognize tools such as methods of approach, specifically the image and the narrative which allows the approach to the contexts that are intended to be recognized and studied. The document will allow us to know each of the stories identified during the completion of the diploma, which have been intertwined by painful events and situations that negatively impacted the lives of those who suffered the armed conflict in the department of Cesar, but also frames the way of resilience and empowerment that they have acquired with the sole purpose of redefining their lives, that of their families, forgetting the past and building moments of forgiveness and reconciliation through the truth; Considering that the essence of the aforementioned diploma is based on the appropriation of constructs and references, both conceptual and methodological, such as, for example, the narrative approach, this must be recognized as an essential source for the creation of resources and strategies that will allow communities to develop coping skills and as an end to overcoming the traumatic events caused by the violence caused by the armed conflict in Colombian territory

    Universidad y sociedad. Extensión del conocimiento

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    Este libro hace un análisis de la educación y propone migrar de una institución educativa a una organización de extensión del conocimiento (Mejía, 2011) toma más fuerza cada día, ya que obtiene una participación más activa en su actuar, y no solo se circunscribe a mejorar la gestión de las áreas funcionales de mercadeo, docencia, investigación, extensión, financiera, tecnología y administración (Gutiérrez, 2011), también cuenta con una visión más sistémica para conseguir la felicidad social y de las personas que conforman la organización educativa

    Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?

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    In 2010, an international group of 35 sea turtle researchers refined an initial list of more than 200 research questions into 20 metaquestions that were considered key for management and conservation of sea turtles. These were classified under 5 categories: reproductive biology, biogeography, population ecology, threats and conservation strategies. To obtain a picture of how research is being focused towards these key questions, we undertook a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature (2014 and 2015) attributing papers to the original 20 questions. In total, we reviewed 605 articles in full and from these 355 (59%) were judged to substantively address the 20 key questions, with others focusing on basic science and monitoring. Progress to answering the 20 questions was not uniform, and there were biases regarding focal turtle species, geographic scope and publication outlet. Whilst it offers some meaningful indications as to effort, quantifying peer-reviewed literature output is ob viously not the only, and possibly not the best, metric for understanding progress towards informing key conservation and management goals. Along with the literature review, an international group based on the original project consortium was assigned to critically summarise recent progress towards answering each of the 20 questions. We found that significant research is being expended towards global priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles. Although highly variable, there has been significant progress in all the key questions identified in 2010. Undertaking this critical review has highlighted that it may be timely to undertake one or more new prioritizing exercises. For this to have maximal benefit we make a range of recommendations for its execution. These include a far greater engagement with social sciences, widening the pool of contributors and focussing the questions, perhaps disaggregating ecology and conservatio

    Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a driver of common vole population dynamics during the last glacial period

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    Aim Many species experienced population turnover and local extinction during the Late Pleistocene. In the case of megafauna, it remains challenging to disentangle climate change and the activities of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers as the main cause. In contrast, the impact of humans on rodent populations is likely to be negligible. This study investigated which climatic and/or environmental factors affect the population dynamics of the common vole. This temperate rodent is widespread across Europe and was one of the most abundant small mammal species throughout the Late Pleistocene. Location Europe. Taxon Common vole (Microtus arvalis). Methods We generated a dataset comprised of 4.2 kb long fragment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 148 ancient and 51 modern specimens sampled from multiple localities across Europe and covering the last 60 thousand years (ka). We used Bayesian inference to reconstruct their phylogenetic relationships and to estimate the age of the specimens that were not directly dated. Results We estimated the time to the most recent common ancestor of all last glacial and extant common vole lineages to be 90 ka ago and the divergence of the main mtDNA lineages present in extant populations to between 55 and 40 ka ago, which is earlier than most previous estimates. We detected several lineage turnovers in Europe during the period of high climate variability at the end of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3; 57-29 ka ago) in addition to those found previously around the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. In contrast, data from the Western Carpathians suggest continuity throughout the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) even at high latitudes. Main Conclusions The main factor affecting the common vole populations during the last glacial period was the decrease in open habitat during the interstadials, whereas climate deterioration during the LGM had little impact on population dynamics. This suggests that the rapid environmental change rather than other factors was the major force shaping the histories of the Late Pleistocene faunas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio